Press On
Summer 2019 Theme
Our Press On Banner featured the logo pictured. We do have it available for purchase or rent if you are interested in using it. Please click on CONTACT above to inquire specifically about the banner for this theme.
Press On focused on what it means to stick with your faith and continue to grow in your relationship with God regardless of life circumstances. Because it is a summer theme, five days worth of Bible studies were developed along with a theme verse for each day and other supporting activities.
Additionally, since we relaunched the blog portion of this website during the summer of 2019, our inaugural series of weekly posts focused on the theme of the summer. To view the blog series, click HERE.
We also created a CD with the music we used during the summer. As of Aug. 2019, we have a limited number still available for $10 each in our camp store. Please contact us to order one if interested!
Daily Theme Breakdown
Monday: God's Story (Revelation 22:13)
Main Bible Story - Acts 17:16-34 (Paul in Athens)
We are all a part of God’s story. He created everything and everyone. We fell away from Him, but God sent Jesus into the world to live, die, and rise again for each one of us. Our stories are therefore tied into God’s story, and we have a place in advancing the greatest story ever told.
- Leadership Study of Monday's Theme
Tuesday: Mountaintops (Psalm 16:11)
Main Bible Story - Mark 9:2-9 (Transfiguration)
In our faith journeys we all experience moments where we feel close to God or experience him in a powerful new way. These mountaintop experiences are meant to encourage, equip, and empower God’s people to press on in the rest of their lives. They become an “Ebenezer” a spiritual marker in our faith story.
- Leadership Study of Tuesday's Theme
Wednesday: Storms (John 16:33)
Main Bible Story - Mark 4:35-41 (Jesus Calms the Storm)
Life isn’t perfect. Hard times, sad times, and storms in life will come. Satan is real, and he wants to tear us down. Thanks to Jesus, we are able to find joy on the other side of the storms of life. He brings life from death and can bring redemption to our lives. He went through the ultimate storm, the cross, and he came out triumphant.
- Leadership Study of Wednesday's Theme
Thursday: Life in the Valley (Colossian 3:17)
Main Bible Story - Acts 8:26-40 (Philip and the Ethiopian)
Mountaintops and storms in our lives are powerful and formative experiences, but the rest of our lives are lived out in the valley. God wants to be a part of our life in the valley just as much.
- Leadership Study of Thursday's Theme
Friday: Press On (Philippians 3:13-14)
Main Bible Story - Philippians 3:7-14
Whether we find ourselves on the mountaintop, in the valley, or in the midst of a storm, we are encouraged to press on in our faith journey of following God. God is pressing into our lives and strengthening us to fulfill his mission and his will in the world. We cannot just check out or take the exit ramp off of our faith. We press on and share God’s story with the world!!
- Leadership Study of Friday's Theme
All materials found on this page and its links, both those documents specifically marked and those we missed, are(c)2019: Ingham Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camps. All Rights reserved. Permission is granted for use in church and other non-profit Christian ministries so long as credit is given to Ingham Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camps as the source of the materials. Please contact IOLBC for questions regarding any other use of these materials.